Episode 40: What I'm healing right now

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Episode Summary

Healing is such a journey. We go through seasons where we are focused on our healing and other seasons where we are resting from the work. I'm in a season of deep healing and I share my journey through different experiences that have lead me to where I am now.


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Episode Notes

You are not alone in your healing. No one is perfect and everyone is on their own path. 

Healing is such a journey. We go through seasons where we are focused on our healing and other seasons where we are resting from the work. I'm in a season of deep healing and I share my journey through different experiences that have lead me to where I am now. In this episode, I share a few core areas in my life that I'm walking through the healing process.

Feeling stuck? Transitioning your career? Struggling with self-connection? Needing clarity? Book a complimentary clarity call with me and let's go deeper together.

Connect with Alexis on IG.


Episode 39: Long Distance Dating and Marriage with Chelsea Scott


Episode 37: Creating safe spaces for our mind and body with Victoria Garrick